4 Free

Beautiful Virtual Grand Piano Presets based on K2 

 Concert Grand Piano Presets on Steinway Model D 

Complete Library Package with all presets from all grands:

Library packages with presets of one distinct grand:

Concert Grand, Studio Grand, German Grand, Virtual Grand , Blue Grand, Japanese Grand, Bayreuth Grand, Czech Grand, Historical Grand, Saxony Grand. The preset sound designs are based on popular and much referred to grand pianos. Be sure to have all the instruments installed and licened in your PT collection already.  This compact collection is exclusive and by its sound and dynamics ideal for live recitals and gigs.

NY Grand D Library exclusive presets

GrandArtist offers library packages of presets plus bundles. The packages are built around a distinguished grand piano. The HB & NY Concert Grand D are modeled after the famous Steinway D. The packages provide in-depth acoustic presets for each grand piano, which will provide the user with different preconditions in which that single item can resonate. The complete package includes a mixture of all presets of all different grand pianos to supply a maximum variety.


Pictures at an Exhibition

Mussorgsky a prominent influencer of Russian piano music, wrote this wonderful composition in 1874

Concert Grand and the Virtual Grand are available in Pianoteq ©. if you have choosen the Steinway, K2 combi. The other instruments Studio Grand, German Grand, Blue Grand, Japanese Grand and the Historical Grand 1899 are additional instruments separate to purchase at PT. You will find them on the Pianoteq © Product site: Model B, Grotrian Steinweg, Bleuthner, Rockpiano Y C5. The C. Bechstein 1899 is part of the Schloss Kremslegg 2 Collection. Because the used GA Preset Library packages represent different grand piano’s, be sure to have the required additional instruments are installed on your computer and licensed! Otherwise you will find out to hear nothing, or together with silenced keys that the instrument will silence after 20 minutes.:

Also available as bundle libraries with each Gand Piano as a standalone instrument.

Get up from that

piano you hurtin'

its feelings.....