Suits any occasion to play

Suits any occasion to play

Afortable & comfortable

Comfortable playing

Portable equipment, good sound

It don’t take much to take your lightweight keyboard and your Mac with you, connect with the apropriate sound amplification and off you go.!

Right loudness level

The loudness level of the divine presets of GrandArtist equals an original instrument, but can be adjusted higher (or lower) for Live gigs.


For audio recording yourself, you can use Audio Hijack.

For MIDI recording you can use GrandArtist alongside with silenced Pianoteq.

'why use pro sound software'

“My musically day can be quite hectic Before I used my laptop I had to juggle all my various heavy equipment throughout the day
Technology helped me to get it easy and now I use a simple lightweight MIDI keyboard setup with good software on my Mac to get more done”

Even don’t need per se amplification

our mission

making live music playing super enjoyable 

our offer